Saturday 1 January 2011

Eeeep, it's been 2 long

Happy New years!
Ok it's been far too long since I last posted. Since before my birthday on the 24th of November in fact so I thought I'd better give a lil update post of what I've been doing.
So for my birthday I received 2 wonderful cookbooks the new Nigella Lawson kitchen cookbook and my fave food writers book Nigel Slaters tender volume 2 which is all to do with fruit which is good as one of my new years resolutions is to eat more fruit.
I've only cooked one recipe from the first so far and nothing from the second so far which is a travesty.
I also recently bought myself an iPad which has resulted in many lost hours playing on the thing, and I promise to do a review on some of the awesome apps available very soon.
But I don't know what's stopped me from blogging, other than a complete mental block when it comes to reading, I've been finding it really hard to get into a book at the moment and even harder to get into the kitchen afterwards.
The last books I read were a series of memoirs by the wonderful Collette Rossant which will be getting a review soon I promise again.
So after so long away being away from you all I'm wondering, what are everyones new years resolutions? Or do you even have any?
I'll start of with mine, the main 2 are
A) try to give up or at least cut down on smoking, thus far I've been very grumpy today yet managed to only smoke one today. Yay.
The reasons for this resolution are many, the main ones being my bloke hates it and I want to be able to taste food properly again although I'm terrified of gaining weight!
At the mo I'm trying to find productive things to do to replace my habit, options are gardening or more crafty things perhaps?
Any advice would be very welcome.
My other resolution is to bite the bullet and actually go to the doctors this year and get tested for coeliac disease.
I've put this off for at least six months due to my irrational fear of needles as a proper diagnosis involves numerous blood tests and a stomach biopsy, also I really like cake!!
The reason for needing to get tested is the diagnosis of my youngest brother earlier this year and if an immediate family member has coeliac disease it gives you a one in ten chance of having it too, and when I checked out the symptoms I realised I have quite a few.
So that's it for now, the piccys of my cat sushi climbing in one of my Xmas presses.
I hope to hear you all soon and I promise to update again v soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hurrah - nice to see you back LE.

    Cross stitch might be something relaxing to do with your hands instead of smoking?

    And as for the coeliac disease, definitely better to go and get yourself tested. I'm not celieac, although I do seem to be gluten intolerant, and am finding plenty of things to eat. I even made some really nice mince pies.
