I'm going to now share with you something I hadn't got around to yet, I'm a huge geek! I love sci-fi, fantasy and comics with a passion.
I've been planning to review some manga or graphic novels for this blog as if your not experienced in the area you can end up reading loads of rubbish and come to the conclusion that it's all for prepubescent boys and miss out on a truly rewarding area of reading which when good is REALLY good.
Anyhows I had to share my weekend with you, as anyone who knows sci-fi from my age group will tell you Star Wars is the best film ever. Yeah star trek was OK if we're talking either the original tacky version or Next Generation but it kinda got a bit, well, boring.
Star Wars on the other hand feels me with childish glee and makes me feel about ten all over again. I remember that it was shown every Christmas, before the days of DVDs, sky plus and the Internet. Star Wars was special when I was little, they hadn't remastered it yet and was very hard to get on video. Yup an 80s childhood involved waiting for things and the occasional chewed up video because you'd watched it one too many times.
Mind you I'm talking about the originals here, the prequels were a disgrace to this franchise and don't ever bring them up in my company unless you want an almighty rant on your hands.
So I hear you asking, what did you do at the weekend to make you divulge a star wars fixation?
Whilst perusing the local advertiser I found a little section about how the local star wars group was teaming up with a funeral home to raise money for a cancer charity.
My local Star Wars fellow obsessives have been invited to America before by Lucas himself, so when they get involved you know it'll be good.
As I read the event news it became clear that the guy who played R2D2 was coming and I got very excited!
The event was free to enter and in the castle mall which is very easy to get to. In a blind blur of excitement about meeting a childhood hero I dug out my glow in the dark Darth Vader T-shirt my old Yoda backpack which is falling apart and failed to sleep much at all that night, which resulted in me singing the eewok song to myself for a good part of the evening.
The next day I dragged my bloke to the mall with me, and spent a roaring great hour there but was disappointed to find out that the real life R2D2 wasn't as he wasn't very well.
Although I'm sad that i didn't get to meet him, But I did get to meet 2 real life stormtroopers, get my photo taken (which I'm not uploading as I look demented) with them and get an autograph from both.
I also took a photo of a mechanical R2D2 which was roaming the floor. I also somehow managed to resist the urge to chase it like a 10 year old.
All in all it was a great day out, although I didn't get to see anyone dressed up like Chewbaca like it said in the paper.
To make this post fit in with the rest of this blog I'm going to give you a reading recommendation of the comic Tag and Bink.
It's an amusing piss take of Star Wars that follows 2 slackers who somehow end up in all the major battles of the original movies and made me laugh a lot.
If I was really good I would also make something from the Star Wars cookbook, but alas I don't own it and I have never experienced Wookie cookies.
So thanks for reading and if you can think of any good comics you want me to review/ cook from let me know.
I'll be reviewing Monsoon Diary later in the week, but for now....
May the Force be with you always.
I'm not a fan of star wars but thought the idea of a starwars cookbook hilarious. Have you seen the Moomins one?!
ReplyDeleteno I didn't know there was a moomin one, that sounds amazing.
ReplyDeleteTheres actually two star wars cookbooks, but I really just want like i said wookie cookies.