These last few months of doing my blog have been really enjoyable for me, yet I find myself wanting to do more. So I thought that I'd give everyone a heads up that I'm going to be changing things slowly here to cover a larger range of topics here on my blog and ask what people think? Do you have any suggestions on things that you'd like to see on my blog?
It is all going to be book and or food related so don't worry about it going to far off topic, here are some of the things I'm considering sharing with you....
- great websites- blogs, shops, etsy finds things that I've found online that I want to share
- my lust over with places in Norwich that I think are amazing- Theres an independent bookshop in my city that I'm dieing to write a post about. Plus loads of nice little cafes ect or ingredients I've found but has nothing to do with any of the books I've just read (venison salami anyone?)
- finds- I really want to share when I've found something great in a charity or junk shop. the picture above is of a french marmite cooking pot. The one in the picture is from here . I recently found an antique one which is perfect condition in a junk shop for £20 and I've been gagging to write a post about it. Also 1950s cookbooks and things like that.
- More cookbook reviews- I really want to start a segment on cookbooks, but I'll go into more detail at a later date
- more none fiction reviews- The other picture is of The Wonderful Weekend book by Elspeth Thompson, which although I could do a straightforward review and cook from it post. Yet it has so many great ideas and projects in it that I want to try and I thought it would be fun to share them with you. The same with craft books and the ilk.
So that's just some of the things I'm planning to add here and I'd love to know what you think about some of the ideas? Please let me know! And tell me about anything else you might like to see, I've got loads of ideas and I want to know yours too. Be ready for some new features in the hopefully not too distant future.
Sounds great - my blog has got much wider (my other non Virago blog) since I started out to write about books. I loved thw wonderful weekend book which I had from the library (did you read her food book - Cherry cakes and ginger beer? Love it!)
ReplyDeleteI don't know anything about Norwich so sure I'd find that interesting too.
Thanks for the weekend, it will mainly be book or food related Norwich that I'll be posting about. We had JM coetzee come down in the summer and I wished I'd talked about it.
ReplyDeleteI've seen the book on amazon but never had a chance to look at it properly unfortunatly, I do have her handmade with love book though with ruth badger. awesome, made me want to get all stickey with glue.